Appication for Kinetex Column

TN 1103 – Analyzing Testosterone in Human Serum by UHPLC using High Efficiency Kinetex ® 1.7μm C18 Core-Shell Columns

TN 1098 – Improved LC/MS/MS Analysis of Gabapentin in Plasma using a Kinetex® 2.6 µm Core-Shell C18 Column following Protein Precipitation

TN 1096 – Evaluation of Newer Technologies for the LC/MS/MS Analysis of Amphetamines

TN 1095 – Evaluation of New HPLC Technologies for the Separation of Preservatives

TN 1092 – Kinetex® 2.6 µm XB-C18 Core-Shell Column for the Rapid, Ultra-High Efficiency USP Assay for Ibuprofen

TN 1091 – Improved Throughput, Productivity, and Performance for the USP Assay for Norethindrone and Mestranol using Kinetex® 2.6 µm C8 Core-Shell Columns